Just one step away from.....

Day in Atomic power plant

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Power of the Atom is the most powerful energy source ever tamed by a human and started to be used in every day electricity production. But this great power created many dangers. Where is danger, there are always interest by a human to explore it…..

Join us today and take a trip to the only Atomic power plant at whole region of Baltic States! We will travel east, to far end of Lithuania visiting atomic city of Visaginas and of course reaching the Ignalina Atomic power plant, which has the world infamous RBMK type reactor.

SKU: Ignalinos AE Category:

Reaching atomic power plant we will have a special trip inside the protected area of atomic power plant, getting dressed with special protective clothes, receiving Geiger counters and getting full briefing how Atomic Energy looks from inside. At the end we will take a walk top of the RBMK atomic reactor taking pictures of a lifetime! Just a fun fact about this amazing place – this was the place, where world renown HBO miniseries “Chernobyl” was shot ?

Finally after the tour, getting thru all the scanners to check that we didn’t touched anything radioactive, we will have time for lunch at the best canteen in Lithuania, where great food for all power plan workers a being made for whole history of the plant.

After the lunch we will head back to city of Visaginas visiting a special place – training centre of Atomic Power Plant control. In there you will have all the possibilities to touch some buttons of the control and of course not cause anything wrong for everyone ? To top all this – it will be exact place, where miniseries where shot (infamous “AZ-5” scene) and you will have possibility to feel like in a real movie!

This trip is extremely limited! We have only 15 spots and no more, as the waiting line to get in the plant is more then 4 months!

Don’t hesitate and visit the most unique place in whole Baltic region! This will bring you not only more knowledge about the Atomic Energy, but a glimpse how Soviet world looked like and of course and inside look of HBO miniseries “Chernobyl”.

Trip overview

Trip overview

Route: Kaunas or Vilnius – Ignalina Power Plant, Visaginas – Atomic power plant simulator at Visaginas – Kaunas or Vilnius

Date: Tours are conducted only from Wednesday up to Friday and a specific day needs to arranged 4 months before

Length: 1 Day tour; Starting from 7:00 and finishing around 20:00

Departure points: Kaunas or Vilnius – depending of the group needs

Group size: 15 people

Price: Starting from 120 EUR per person

What’s included

What’s included

What is included:

  • Transportation to all objects and back to departure point;
  • 2,5 hour guided tour inside the secure zone of Ignalina Atomic Power Plant;
  • Protective gear and Geiger counter during the tour;
  • Lunch Atomic power plant cafeteria;
  • Visit to Atomic Power Plant control simulator with possibility to take Selfies at the power plant control panel;
  • Professional tour leader services and amazing memories!

What is not included:

  • Snacks and drinks during the whole tour;


Original Soviet Gas Mask – 5 EUR

Everyone during our activities you buy souvenir gas mask from old military reserves, for special participants price! If you want to have more then one, please give as a message and we will bring them to the departure point.

Important information

Important information

  • Groups are limited to maximum 15 people due to limitation of Atomic Power plant;
  • One week before departure, all the participants will be required to sent their personal information for making entrance permit to secure zone;
  • Exact departure time, will be sent to all participants no later then 48 hours before the selected day.